Vikas WSP Limited

India’s largest manufacturer and exporter of Guar Gum Powder




Incorporated as VIKAS WSP LTD in 1988, VIKAS is the world’s leading and India’s largest manufacturer and exporter of Guar Gum Powder. VIKAS, glorifying it’s meaning i.e “DEVELOPMENT” and WSP for WATER SOLUBLE POLYMERS, has come a long way and is still moving ahead in leaps and bounds. Understanding and rendering utmost importance to R&D, we offer a portfolio of 84+  reference tailor-made guar gum products for different applications viz. Food, Pharmaceuticals, Oil and Gas Hydro Fracturing, eCigarette manufacturing, Coconut milk and Cream production, personal care items, paper making – a few to quote.


We have a team of expert professionals in production, packaging and marketing. The company believes in developing and maintaining close working relationships with its customers, to create successful business partnerships, and achieve common goals and objectives. We always deliver more than the expected!




VIKAS is determined to provide a healthy happy future for the world and so had foreseen that the new generation grows with the ORGANIC. We boast to be the pioneers of Organic Guar Gum or as we say it ECOGUAR, in India. This is a WONDER POWDER for the food stabilizers. VIKAS itself provides organic seeds to the organic farmers, give regular trainings to the farmers for pest and weed management and then process it to give a real “ECOGUAR”.


For more information Click here

“ Quest for Wealth from Health”

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VIKAS , proudly introduces a revolutionary Technological Up-gradation in Guar Gum Industry, called “Aroma Free Guar Gum(AFGG).


Unlike conventional guar gum, which carries a grassy, beany smell, this miraculous product combats this challenge for the food formulators. While producing AFGG, utmost matured guar seeds are taken and processed through unique MAILLARD REACTION TECHNOLOGY, that significantly reduces Poly Aromatic Hydrocarbons. So AFGG never interferes with the sensory characteristics of the food and thus the desired flavours in the finished food products shine through.